The South Coast Business Awards was held on Thursday 11th July at St Mary’s Stadium and it was a brilliant evening. Organised by the Daily Echo and sponsored by many local businesses, including ourselves. Our team enjoyed meeting so many people from other ambitious local businesses and hearing more about what they’re doing in our vibrant area.
We sponsored 2 Awards and it was great to be a part of the judging process earlier this year. We met with the other sponsors, found out about the businesses who entered and helped to choose the winners. Our sponsored categories were the Service Excellence Award and the Innovation Excellence Award which were chosen because of the topics being close to our DNA. There were a lot of entries where firms had spent time to set out why they were different, our two winners stood out from the others though. New Place Hotel won the Service Excellence Award and 3R won the Innovation Excellence Award.
Both entries were well structured, answered the questions of the set criteria and provided supporting collateral. They each proved why they deserve their award, so our congratulations to each team.
Our parent company M12 Solutions has experience of being finalists ourselves in 2013 in The South Coast Business Awards, we have a high regard for their reputation and we were pleased to see the quality of the entries. The finalists for all categories should feel proud to publicise their success in such a competitive environment.
We look forward to next year’s awards and we are inspired to have a great year to put in a strong entry ourselves.