Making a complaint
We’re committed to addressing all complaints, fully and fairly, and in a reasonable timeframe. If you have a complaint, check out our complaints procedure below.
How to get in touch
There are 4 easy ways to get in touch with us:
By phone
Give our Customer Service team a ring on 0330 333 3006. Our lines are open Monday to Friday 9am – 5:30pm (excluding public holidays). This is the fastest way to raise a complaint with us. We will do our best to resolve your complaint on the call, but sometimes we will need to look into things in more detail and reaching a resolution may take longer.
By email
Email our Customer Service team at Please remember to include your account number, address and contact details so that we can get back to you as quickly as possible. Your email will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt and we aim to respond to all email complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 2 working days, please contact us on 0330 333 3006 to confirm that we have received your email.
By our portal
On our portal page, you will see a link to raise a complaint. Complete the form to let us know what went wrong and what we can do to put this right for you. We always aim to resolve complaints in the first instance and respond within 10 working days, but this isn’t as quick as calling us. To help speed up this process, please make sure you answer any questions we asked you accurately and with as much detail as possible.
By post
It’s not as quick, but if you prefer to send us a letter, you can write to us at:
Giganet Ltd.
Forum 4, 3 Parkway
PO15 7AD
Please remember to include your account number, address, and contact details so that we can get back to you as quickly as possible. Your letter will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt and we aim to resolve all written complaints within 28 days once we’ve received them. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 2 working days, please contact us on 0330 333 3006 to confirm that we have received your complaint.
Resolving your complaint
We look into every complaint and actively work to resolve things to your satisfaction. We will let you know as soon as we think we have a resolution. We will try to contact you by your preferred method first. If this is by telephone, please let us know the best numbers to reach you on. If we miss you, we will leave you a message with our telephone number so you can ring us back, during our opening hours, at a convenient time for you. If we can’t reach you to let you know about our proposed resolution, we will email you instead, or if we haven’t been able to clear Data Protection, we will write to your home address.
Your case will remain open for 28 days so you will have enough time to review and consider our proposal. If you’re happy with the resolution, please let us know so we can close your case down. If we don’t hear from you within the 28 days from the date of the letter, we will take this as confirmation you’re satisfied with the resolution and we will write to you again to let you know we’re closing your complaint.
If you don’t feel that your complaint’s been resolved:
When we get your complaint, we will aim to resolve it to your complete satisfaction. If you don’t feel this has been done, you can ask to escalate the issue to a manager. If you call in, a manager may be available to talk to you immediately or they may call you back at a time that suits you. If the manager needs to call you back, please let us know which contact number works best for you. The manager may get back to you in writing as well.
If, after discussing your case with a manager, you still feel we’ve not dealt with your complaint appropriately, please ask for your complaint to be reviewed by a Senior Manager. If, after following the process above, you’re still not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can refer it to independent adjudication.
Independent adjudication
If we haven’t reached an agreed settlement within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint, or we agree in writing before the 8 weeks are up that the dispute has reached “deadlock” and should be settled by independent adjudication, we will send you a letter or email. This will confirm that you have the right to refer your complaint to the telecommunications ombudsman, Ombudsman Services for independent consideration through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). This service is absolutely free of charge.
Before lodging a complaint with the Ombudsman Service, you must have first made a complaint directly to us. The Ombudsman Service offers your completely independent dispute resolution to us. Here’s the contact details of the Ombudsman Service:
Ombudsman website
0330 440 1614
Ombudsman Services: Communications
PO Box 730, Warrington
How long will you retain a record of my complaint?
We will retain the written records of your complaint for at least twelve months after the complaint was resolved or otherwise closed.
Other complaints
For any questions or concerns related to the privacy of your data please see our Privacy Policy.